Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Things I've Learned at College, Volume 1.

So... dating.
Can be really fun!
...it can also be terribly awkward.

If you decide to ask someone out, you better think of something fun for the two of you to do, because if not, you're unlikely to get that second date. And what you may think is fun may actually more closely resemble a strange form of torture for whoever you asked out.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me spell it out for you.

Now, it's been my experience that there are basically three options for the typical date.

1. A movie. Is this really a good idea for a first date? I submit that it is NOT. I just don't understand the thought process behind this. Hmmm.. let's see, I really want to get to know this person more, what's the best way to go about that? I know! We can go sit in a darkened, crowded room in uncomfortable chairs for 2 hours where there is very limited opportunity to talk. Does this logic escape people? Yes, yes it does. Because I've been subjected to many an awkward movie first date. Conversation is very restricted. You can really only converse during scenes, but that's obviously a bad idea. Most likely, the person isn't going to hear you, so they're going to do one of two things:
1. keep asking you to repeat what you said until they understand, while being shushed by all movie-goers in proximity;
2. pretend they heard what you said and react in whatever way they deem appropriate. This usually involves fake laughter and a nod or two.
And boys, if you decide to be courteous and select a chick flick for the girl's sake, keep in mind there's almost always a sex scene involved in these. Pretty much just as awkward as sitting through one of these with the parents. Wait til you know the person sitting next to you a little better before subjecting either of you to such humiliation, please.

Okay, moving on.
2. Bowling. Oh, how I hate bowling on the first date. And many girls share this opinion. It's just a terribly, terribly awkward situation from the moment you slip those lovely black and reds on your feet. Again, conversation is limited. You start talking about something, then have to get up and take your turn. This involves employing ridiculous body mechanics to hurl that heavy ball down the lane, followed by a period of waiting at the ball return, not knowing what to do with your hands-- there are only so many times you can adjust your hair, or fix your shirt, or pretend to flick a piece of lint from your arm. When you're done you return to your seat and try to resume the conversation again, only to have it interrupted when your date has to take his turn. You find little solace in watching him encounter the same awkward situations, because you know the moment he sits down, it'll be your turn again. And this continues for TEN ROUNDS. It's a sick, twisted game dreamed up by the dating gods, and I think a more entertaining activity would be going to the bowling alley just to watch all the people on first dates. Yeah. Bowling is NOT a good idea.

That brings us to:
3. Miniature golf. Similar in many ways to bowling, but with added drawbacks. First of all, it involves much more coordination. The ball is small, and the hole it has to fit in is never in an easily-accessible spot. Try to picture the scenario. You're hunkered down over an undersized club, trying to line up a shot the best you can. You hear your date ask you something, but you're a little preoccupied concentrating, so you're lucky if you can come up with a valid answer, much less a clever one. I'm sure every girl can identify a time mini golfing when she had to repeatedly hit the ball up a slight slope only to watch it roll back down. And of course, there's always the high likelihood of your ball flying off in unfavorable directions, such as under a bush. Then you're required to crawl around on your hands and knees looking for the stupid thing. It's actually pretty funny, and can be a good conversation topic... until it happens multiple times on the front nine. All in all, not such a fun activity for the first date.

Let me clarify: all three of these things are actually really fun, but wait til at least the third date please. By that point, you've gotten to know each other well enough to feel more comfortable sitting through a movie together or making fun of each other while playing half-sports like bowling or mini golf. And if you just can't think of any other date ideas, take heart: sometimes these dates turn out okay after all.


Blogger Unknown said...

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January 20, 2010 at 5:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh you I love you SO much. I told you my date idea it is WONDERFUL. I just need to put it into plan. Speaking of which I think I am going to call you and have you help me out with a little problem.

January 20, 2010 at 5:49 PM  

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